Google Street View shots are not made by satellites, of course. THOSE LAZY BASTARDS! LET THEM TAKE THEIR OWN DAMNED SPACE PHOTOS! This is plagiarism of NASA'S (which is to say OUR) personal property.

So, Google DOESN'T EVEN SHOOT ITS OWN SATELLITE IMAGES, but it owns the legal copyright to its "enhanced" images, with street names and all. Google somehow gets pictures from NASA (for a small fee or a handsome one?), which in turn is funded by WE THE PEOPLE, after which it turns a profit on them-and then puts a copyright on them-so that we cannot copy the damned things? I am proceeding only slightly tongue-in-cheek. (.066666 x 365 = ~24 hrs., and so after a year the stars come full circle.) That is, consider that the stars rise ALMOST four minutes earlier every night, after all, but over the course of a year that amounts to approximately (or is it precisely-by definition-24 hours: four minutes is 4/60=1/15hrs./day =. by definition, but from the sun's perspective almost (but not quite) 23 hrs. and almost 56 minutes, depending upon one' frame of reference? From the earth's perspective, I am guessing 24 hrs. Is there a Google Space Agency that I don't know about? Those shots appear to be made from "stationary" satellites, which is to say those satellites which make one revolution in their earth orbits every twenty-four hours, so as to be synchronous with the earth's rotation? (This can only occur with satellites orbiting at a radius of about 23,200 miles, I believe.) Or perhaps it would actually be not 24 hours, but 23 hrs. Where does Google get those space images, by the way? Do they license them from NASA? Does Google have the same attitude toward these shots as they do toward the Google maps shots (which are of course made from satellite photos)? Didn't have much time to read all those links Landrum posted so if it's in there on how Rickard was able to use content in this way I'ld appreciate pointing me to it.