Stains require smaller tip sizes and less pressure, while paints and heavier coatings need larger tip sizes and more pressure.For example, a 515 tip sprays paint in a 5-inch diameter out of a tip opening that measures 0.015 inches.

Other times, it indicates two things at once-both the fan size (in inches) and the size of the tip opening. A sprayer’s tip size sometimes refers only to the size of the opening, as in a 0.015 tip.Sprayers are rated for the tip size or sizes they can support. Airless sprayers are electric- or gas-powered tools that mechanically pump paint or stain into the sprayer, which then pushes the finish through the sprayer tip, where it’s atomized and becomes a spray. Heavy-duty air-driven paint sprayers use high-pressure air from an air compressor to atomize paint or stain and provide a fine finish. Photo:: Mark Wolfe Types of Paint Sprayers